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Android This Attribute Must Be Localized With Many Choices

In this article we will explain how to get started with Android localization using step-by-step examples. To the Androidmk file omits the localization check.

Android Localization Tutorial A Step By Step Guide Onesky Blog

Aktivitäten können dies durch Festlegen des- androidconfigChanges Attributs auf die-Aktivität wie folgt festlegen.

Android this attribute must be localized. I know how to fix them. How to solve Error. Eclipse中编译没有问题但是在make自己建立的项目的时候提示了错误This attribute must be localized这种问题一般情况是因为在resxml文件夹下的中 或者在reslayout下的文件中出现了没有多语言化的文本例如 androidididmyTextView1 androidtexttype androidlayo.

Weixin_34010949 2017-03-23 112300 36. AndroidisGame Whether or not the application is a game. This attribute must be localized.

This attribute must be localized. Anybody could give me a hint. The system may group together applications classifed as games or display them separately from other applications.

Adding resources with the help of Android Studio l10n facilities. This attribute must be set as a reference to a drawable resource containing the image for example drawableicon. Androiddescription A string that describes the service to users.

Comment the line 81 inbuildcorepackagemk. Android generates androidintentactionLOCALE_CHANGED when the user changes their language selection. LOCAL_AAPT_FLAGS LOCAL_AAPT_FLAGS -z.

Androidname The name of the permission. Its easy to add them to stringsxml.

In the Androidmk to omits the localization check. The default is false. The label should be set as a reference to a string resource so that it can be localized like other strings in the user interface.

Since they labels are somewhere in the Android system it must be possible to get the localized label. Activities can opt to handle this by setting the androidconfigChanges attribute on the activity like this. At text with value TOP_LEFT.

It said some strings in TextView and Button are not localized. This attribute must be localized.

Eclipse中编译没有问题但是在make自己建立的项目的时候提示了错误This attribute must be localized这种问题一般情况是因为在resxml文件夹下的中或者在reslayout下的文件中出现了没有多语言话的文本例如androidididmyTextView1androidtexttypeandroidlayout_width. Attribute Must Be Localized Sep 30 2009. There is no default icon.

In this pick list I want to show the label of the type so its easier for the user to select. This attribute must be localized. This warrants the need for your Android application to be localized.

Mailxml is as follows. This attribute must be localized. Im trying to compile an app via Android 16 and got errors shown below.

I pick a contact in my app to get its phone number and if there is more then one number I use an AlertDialog to let the user select the currect one. Another way is to disable localization check in build system. We will cover the following topics in this tutorial.

As a convenience the label can be directly set as a raw string while youre developing the application. But I still doubt why I need to localize every string. How to solve the error.

At text with value 25. Eclipse中编译没有问题但是在make自己建立的项目的时候提示了错误This attribute must be localized这种问题一般情况是因为在resxml文件夹下的中 或者在reslayout下的文件中出现了没有多语言化的文本例如 androidididmyTextView1 androidtexttype androidlayo. This attribute must be localized.

The and attributes must both be true as they both are by default for the system to be able to instantiate the activity. If either is false it cannot be instantiated. However when the application is ready to be published it should be set as a reference to a string resource so that it can be localized like other strings in the user interface.

This attribute must be localized. Androidididtop_left androidlayout_width30dp androidlayout_height30dp androidlayout_alignParentLefttrue androidlayout_alignParentToptrue androidbackground000.

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